Thursday, April 26, 2012

Mmmm, Junk Food!

Brett and I will be consuming an insane amount of calories once our metabolism kicks into high gear.  It may take a a few weeks before this happens, but either way food resupply along the PCT is one of the front end items that requires at least some planning.  We would prefer to buy all of our food along the way from nearby towns.  Unfortunately, there are several locations where this becomes difficult without taking long hitchhikes.  While Brett and I will be hitchiking into some towns, we've generally tried to limit those to towns less than 20 miles from the trail.  For other locations, we've had to purchase food in advance.  Gretchen will be mailing us food for these locatons at various times.  Having to maildrop food means you have to guesstimate how much food you'll eat in advance, no perishable items, and we'll probably be eating a lot of the same stuff over and over again. 

Below is a photo of the food we had to buy in advance.  This is enough food for two people for about 50 days.

As you can tell, most of it is junk food.  We had to repack all of this into 10 separate boxes.  We're already not looking forward to eating this stuff.  But my hope is that being in the wilderness and very hungry, my perspective will change a little bit.

Before we even bought all this food, we had to come up with a typical daily menu, multiply it out for the number of days we needed, and make sure we were sticking to the typical recommended 2 lbs of food per person per day.  It seems like a lot of food to me now, but we will see.


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